Monday, December 23, 2013

Aunt Bessie's brand

Disclosure: This is a guest post submitted by Kira B.

Yorkshire puddings make an important part of any English family dinner. Aunt Bessie's brand has built its business selling frozen Yorkshire puddings with traditional taste but without the hassle of cooking. Pudding is a classic English Christmas delicacy. Being popular in the UK, USA, Canada, Australia and the former British colonies, this dish is prepared with flour, bread crumbs, eggs, fat, cream and spices in a boiling water bath. The “pudding” word comes from the French “boudin”, which means "little sausage" and proves that in ancient time pudding was not a dessert at all, including meat as stuffing.

       Today the situation shapes in such a way that the tradition of Sunday lunch with classic puddings is rapidly losing popularity. Therefore, Aunt Bessie's brand began to expand this product category promoting Yorkshire puddings as a dish for every day, and not just for Sundays. They offer a wide range of Yorkshire puddings for any occasion, large, giant and bite-sized, of any shape and perfect for chicken, meat and other dishes.  Be ready to find a few interesting observations about this below.

Category leaders should take care of the brand’s growth

Being the market leader in UK Aunt Bessie's brand benefits most from its growth. It is very difficult or almost impossible to change the purchase frequency. Therefore, it’s much easier to increase the frequency of consumption. That’s what the company’s approach is designed for.

Communication as a fundamental component of brand building

Aunt Bessie's brand represents a great example of how you can create and strengthen key visual elements of the brand. In the latest Aunt Bessie's advert we can see two excessively curious neighbors named Margaret and Mabel who have been invariably present in brand advertising for many years. Those funny old women never cease to amaze how do shoppers of Aunt Bessie's products manage to cook delicious traditional food for their family despite being very busy. “She is doing roast chicken with Yorkshires! It’s so warm! How did she make it?"- They ask a question. The answer is simple – a good housewife always uses frozen food products from Aunt Bessie's brand to prepare delicious and nutritious dinner for the whole family.

Focus on the main point

Despite the expansion of the product line, Aunt Bessie’s brand continues to focus on its core product, Yorkshire puddings, not being spread too thin. They managed to avoid the temptation of trying to be different by shifting their investments to more dynamic categories. This is very true with a purely financial, as well as branding perspective.



1. Beth R said...

I have never had yorkshire pudding. Interesting how they advertise, but it is obviously working