Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Common Mineral Deficiencies of Women

Disclosure: This is a guest article.

Women of all age, weight, height, and activity level need certain nutrients that the body doesn’t make, but it needs to function properly. Experts agree that whole food is the best source of these essential nutrients. Unfortunately, it is often difficult to get 100-percent of these essential nutrients from our foods especially in this day-in-age of fast food and over processed meals. This is where supplements come in. Supplements can help fend off potential illnesses and deficiency. They are also ideal for those who already have or are prone to mineral or vitamin deficiencies, such as pregnant women and vegetarians. The following are the some of the most common mineral deficiencies that women experience.


Calcium is used for blood vessel function, transmission of nervous system impulses, muscle contractions, and enzyme and hormone secretion. However, it is mostly know for supporting bones and teeth. Women of childbearing age, postmenopausal women and vegetarians are most at risk for developing a calcium deficiency.


Iron is considered the most common deficiency in the world, and is essential for cell growth. Iron is naturally found in myoglobin proteins and the enzymes that support biochemical reactions. It also delivers oxygen to cells. Toddlers, infants, vegetarians, people diagnosed with celiac disease and women of childbearing age have a higher risk of developing iron deficiency.


Zinc is important to the body’s cellular metabolism and is essential to catalytic activity of various enzymes. It also plays a vital role in cell division, wound healing, immune functioning, and DNA and protein synthesis. Zinc is also necessary for normal growth starting at the embryo stage through adolescence. People at risk for zinc deficiency include women between the ages of 16 and 24, vegetarians, pregnant and lactating women, alcoholics and older breastfed infants.


Iodine is vital to proper thyroid functioning, and is used in the creation of T3 and T4 thyroid hormones. These hormones help regulate he base metabolic rate and fuel growth of children. This essential nutrient is important during pregnancy as it is needed for normal mental development of babies. Unfortunately, iodine can be difficult to obtain from food alone.

Supplements are readily available at both online and offline merchants. For example, you can find vitanica supplements at or at your local health food store. Choosing whether to take supplements depends on your diet and the recommendation of your doctor. Never begin a supplement treatment until you consult your primary care physician.



Unknown said...

I think I need to get more Iron, because I get tired easily.