Monday, April 4, 2011

(Closed) For Your Bug-a-Boo and ImagiPLAY Zooops Review & $30 Gift Certificate Giveaway Ends 4/17

I came across a wonderful online store recently and I am very excited to share it with you! For Your Bug-a-Boo is an online store operated by Cheri, a stay at home mom. You can find a great selection of baby necessities, clothing, accessories, toys, gifts, and one my personal favorites...cloth diapers, all just a click away!

The goal of For Your Bug-a-Boo is to "provide a selection of baby care products that are of high quality without many of the extra ingredients that may be harmful to our babies."

I love the goal of For Your Bug-a-Boo! I wish more online stores took the time to really look at what they are selling. There are so many harsh chemicals and materials that don't belong next to our children. While browsing her selection of products, I can see that Cheri takes great care in ensuring the products she carries are safe for your children. With so many organic, natural, and chemical-free products to choose from, you can shop without worry at For Your Bug-a-Boo. I've also really enjoyed finding lesser known brands that operate using Fair Trade practices like Yellow Label Kids and Maya Organic.

I found the For Your Bug-a-Boo website to have a very clean appearance. It is easy to navigate and the products are very well organized. Cheri has amazing customer service and has been wonderful to work with! I would love to see her expand her cloth diaper category to include other brands in the future. You know how much I love cloth! I really wanted to review an organic AIO cloth diaper from Imse Vimse but even the extra large only goes up to 31 pounds. Buddy is already tipping the scale at 33 pounds (yikes!) so I didn't want to risk having it be too small.

I was sent the Zooops - Safari Edition Wood Play Set by ImagiPLAY 
to review!

Zooops are a set of 18 connecting blocks that join together to make 6 animals. Oh wait! It doesn't stop there! They can also be mixed to create hundreds of different creature combinations! Here's one of my attempts at a witty combo...

It's a Jag-raffe-bra? Maybe a Gir-ze-guar?

Zooops are made of sustainable rubberwood, and only lead-free paint is used that exceeds US and International safety standards. For these reasons, Zooops and other ImagiPLAY toys are considered to be earth friendly, and child safe. It's always nice to know that the toys your child has are made of chemical-free materials!

Buddy thoroughly enjoyed the Zooops! They were already pieced together in a cute (reusable!) container when they arrived. He pulled out each one and attempted to tell me what each animal was called. It was great! Besides fridge magnets, these are his first animal figurines ever! At first he was quite frantic when I pulled two of them apart to show him how to mix them up. After a couple days he didn't have a problem with it.

The chunky wooden animals fit easily in small hands. The colors of each animal are vibrant and attractive for little minds. They are a great educational tool for Buddy to continue learning his colors and animal names and noises. He's also been playing with them on the kitchen table and standing them all in a row like he does with all his cars. :)

Zooops really encourage imaginative play and are appropriate for ages 3-8. Buddy is only 27 months, but he seems to enjoy them anyway. There is a little activity booklet that came with the Zooops that has great ways to learn and explore. Inside the activities are grouped by age and include ways to further develop and reinforce fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, color and pattern recognition, and recognition of animal names for ages 3-4. I saw a few of these unintentionally occur immediately after opening the Zooops as I mentioned above.

For ages 5-8 and 8 and up there are cooperative challenges, and competitive games with greater complexity and strategy. For example, there is a "Zooops Time Trial Mix-up" for ages 5-8 whre you time your child and see how many animals they can create in 30 seconds using non-matching pieces. There is even a couple games to play with 2-3 players. Overall, Zooops have proven to be quite educational, fun, and imaginative for Buddy, and we'll continue to leave them out for years to come!

Price: The ImagiPLAY Zooops - Safari Edition Wood Play Set is 24.95. For a sturdy wooden, educational toy that will last for years and is appropriate for a wide range of ages...this is an excellent price.

The Verdict: I really like that the majority of products at For Your Bug-a-Boo are organic. If not, they are pretty darn natural. It's an online shop I will be adding to my favorites!
It's great that ImagiPLAY Zooops can be played with for such a large age range. They are a fantastic, eco-friendly, high-quality choice for your children and provide hours of enjoyment!

Buy It!
You can purchase ImagiPLAY Zooops at For Your Bug-a-boo HERE.

Win It!
One winner will receive a $30 Gift Certificate to spend only anything you want at!

-Leave 1 comment per entry
-Include your email address in each entry
-For complete giveaway rules and help entering, please click HERE

To Enter:

Mandatory Entry: (must be done first)

-Tell me something you would buy at For Your Bug-a-Boo if you win! (1 entry)

Extra Entries:

-Follow The Reynolds Mom on Google Friend Connect (1 entry)

-"Like" me on Facebook (1 entry)

For Your Bug-a-Boo on Facebook (1 entry)

-Follow me on Twitter (1 entry)

For Your Bug-a-Boo on Twitter (1 entry)

-Vote for my photo in the "Happy Smiles" Photo Contest by "liking" on Facebook, and then "liking" my photo HERE (5 entries!) Please note: This is NOT per giveaway! You can choose ONE current giveaway to use these entries in through the end of the photo contest on April 8th.

Tweet the following up to 2x/day (at least 1 hour apart). Please leave the URL of each tweet in your entries.
#Win #free $30 GC to @ForYourBugaboo @TheReynoldsMom! Ends 4/17 #Giveaway #Organic #Clothdiapers @imagiplay (1 entry/tweet)

-Subscribe to my blog by email (3 entries) or RSS feed (2 entries)

-Post my button or post about this giveaway on your blog using at least 4 sentences. Please leave a link to your post (3 entries each)

Thanks for entering and good luck!

Open to US residents only. This giveaway will end on April 17, 2011 at 10pm PST. Winner will be chosen by, emailed, and announced on my blog shortly after giveaway ends. The winner has 48 hours to respond to my email or I reserve the right to declare a new winner.

Disclosure: I received the above mentioned product(s) to facilitate this review. No other compensation was received. This is my completely honest opinion above and may be different from yours.


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1. Heidi said...

I would buy the number snail counting puzzle - you would be able to teach colors, problem solving, and numbers with that one fun toy!

2. Heidi said...

I like you on FB!

3. Heidi said...

I liked For Your Bug A Boo on FB!

4. Heidi said...

I liked and I liked your photo - great smiles btw!

5. ani hearts japan said...

I would buy the A day at the zoo play set. My kids would LOVE this. It would go great with their wooden train set!

aniwilsonintx at hotmail dot com

6. ani hearts japan said...

I like you on facebook.

aniwilsonintx at hotmail dot com

7. ani hearts japan said...

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aniwilsonintx at hotmail dot com

8. ani hearts japan said...

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aniwilsonintx at hotmail dot com

9. ani hearts japan said...

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aniwilsonintx at hotmail dot com

10. ani hearts japan said...

I liked Uprinting on facebook and then voted for your photo. #3

aniwilsonintx at hotmail dot com

11. ani hearts japan said...

I liked Uprinting on facebook and then voted for your photo. #4

aniwilsonintx at hotmail dot com

12. ani hearts japan said...

I liked Uprinting on facebook and then voted for your photo. #5

aniwilsonintx at hotmail dot com

13. Chase said...

I would get an imse vimse swim diaper!

14. Chase said...

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16. Chase said...

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19. Anonymous said...

i'd get the nontoxic blocks

pucker93 at hotmail dot com

20. Anonymous said...

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pucker93 at hotmail dot com

21. Anonymous said...

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pucker93 at hotmail dot com

22. Anonymous said...

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pucker93 at hotmail dot com

23. Courtney said...

I like the rainbow number stacking toy.
ch 25319 at windstream dot net

24. Courtney said...

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ch 25319 at windstream dot net

25. Courtney said...

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ch 25319 at windstream dot net

26. Anonymous said...

I would definitely get the Counting Friends set. So cute!

27. Anonymous said...

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36. Anonymous said...

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37. Anonymous said...

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38. Jenny K said...

I would buy Swim Diaper, Green with Fish
by Imse Vimse.
jhull at m dot marywood dot edu

39. Jenny K said...

GFC follower as Jenny H.
jhull at m dot marywood dot edu

40. Jenny K said...

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jhull at m dot marywood dot edu

41. Jenny K said...

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jhull at m dot marywood dot edu

42. Jenny K said...

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jhull at m dot marywood dot edu

43. Jenny K said...

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44. Jenny K said...

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jhull at m dot marywood dot edu

46. Jenny K said...

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jhull at m dot marywood dot edu

47. Jenny K said...

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jhull at m dot marywood dot edu

48. Jenny K said...

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jhull at m dot marywood dot edu

49. Jenny K said...

Subscribe in google reader.
jhull at m dot marywood dot edu

50. Sarah Hull said...

If I won, I would love to get the Push Along Hybrid Car and the
Baby Onesie - "Play Often" for my son.

SHull2319 at gmail dot com

51. Sarah Hull said...

I follow The Reynolds Mom on Google Friend Connect

SHull2319 at gmail dot com

52. Joy N. said...

i like the red with fish swim diaper

53. Joy N. said...

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54. Joy N. said...

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55. Joy N. said...

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56. Janet W. said...

I would buy A Day at the Zoo Play Set for my grandson.

57. Janet W. said...

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58. Janet W. said...

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59. Janet W. said...

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60. Janet W. said...

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61. Janet W. said...

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62. Janet W. said...

I like your Happy Smiles photo on facebook!

63. Janet W. said...

I like your Happy Smiles photo on facebook!

64. Janet W. said...

I like your Happy Smiles photo on facebook!

65. Janet W. said...

I like your Happy Smiles photo on facebook!

66. Janet W. said...

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68. Janet W. said...

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69. Janet W. said...

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70. cupcake mama said...

I would get one of those Snoedel dolls. How cute!!!!

71. cupcake mama said...

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72. cupcake mama said...

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73. cupcake mama said...

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74. cupcake mama said...

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75. Cheyenne said...

Love the Zoops! Safari or Zoo Animals playset!


76. Cheyenne said...

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77. Cheyenne said...

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79. Cheyenne said...

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80. Cheyenne said...

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81. anw1107 said...

I would buy the newborn adjustable organic cloth diaper

82. Carrie Phelps said...

I would get the Bamboo Swaddling Blanket

83. anw1107 said...

i like bug a boo on fb(ashley nance)

84. anw1107 said...

email subscriber

85. Carrie Phelps said...

I follow Bug-a-Boo on FB; Carrie Phelps

86. Carrie Phelps said...

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87. Carrie Phelps said...

I follow Bug-a-Boo on Twitter; @CarrieDust

88. Carrie Phelps said...

I tweeted about this giveaway; @CarrieDust!/CarrieDust/status/55034718911082496

89. Lindsey said...

I would buy the Zooops - Safari Edition. TOOO CUTE!

90. Lindsey said...

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92. Lindsey said...

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94. Lindsey said...

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95. Lindsey said...

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97. Sarah Hull said...

I follow you on twitter (@trvlgrl121)

SHull2319 at gmail dot com

98. Sarah Hull said...

I follow For Your Bug-a-Boo on Twitter (@trvlgrl121)

SHull2319 at gmail dot com

99. Sarah Hull said...


SHull2319 at gmail dot com

100. Sarah Hull said...

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SHull2319 at gmail dot com

101. Sarah Hull said...

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SHull2319 at gmail dot com

102. Sarah Hull said...

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SHull2319 at gmail dot com

103. KM said...

I might get the number tray puzzle.

104. KM said...

gfc follower

105. Tandy and Jeff said...

i'd love to get the A Day at the Zoo Play Set and the Cat Fishin' Puzzle!
ssqueakert at aol dot com

106. Tandy and Jeff said...

like u on facebook (tandy ahrens)
ssqueakert at aol dot com

107. Tandy and Jeff said...

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ssqueakert at aol dot com

108. Tandy and Jeff said...

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name: ssqueakert
ssqueakert at aol dot com

109. Tandy and Jeff said...

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name: ssqueakert
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ssqueakert at aol dot com

111. Tandy and Jeff said...

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112. Tandy and Jeff said...

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ssqueakert at aol dot com

113. Tandy and Jeff said...

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ssqueakert at aol dot com

114. Tasha said...

I would choose either the Zooops or A Day at the Zoo Play Set.

taylortasha at msn dot com

115. Tasha said...

email subscriber #1
taylortasha at msn dot com

116. Tasha said...

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taylortasha at msn dot com

117. Tasha said...

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taylortasha at msn dot com

118. Tasha said...

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taylortasha at msn dot com

119. Tasha said...

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taylortasha at msn dot com

120. Tasha said...

liked bug-a-boo on facebook under tasha j robinson

taylortasha at msn dot com

121. Tasha said...

follow you on twitter under pdxoregon mom

taylortasha at msn dot com

122. Tasha said...

follow bug-a-boo on twitter under tasha j robinson

123. Tasha said...

tweet #1!/pdxoregonmom/status/55116699640401921

taylortasha at msn dot com

124. debijackson said...

i would get nontoxic blocks

125. debijackson said...

fblikeu as debbie jackson

126. debijackson said...


127. debijackson said...

twu as jacksondeb

128. Janet W. said...

tweet for 4/5

129. DiscoverHope7 said...

baby bum balm!

130. DiscoverHope7 said...

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131. DiscoverHope7 said...

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132. Janet W. said...

2nd tweet for 4/5

133. Katrina said...

I might get the Soft Organic Jersey Cotton Fitted Sheet. =)

134. Katrina said...

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137. Katrina said...

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138. spartacutherockstar said...

i would buy either aio organic size large or the zoops! alicia stokes

139. spartacutherockstar said...

i follow u via gfc, alicia stokes

140. spartacutherockstar said...

i liked u on facebook, alicia stokes
entry 3

141. spartacutherockstar said...

i liked bugaboo on facebook, alicia stokes

142. spartacutherockstar said...

i subrscribe via email, alicia stokes

143. ababe28 said...

I love the "Give Peas a Chance" Bib!


144. ababe28 said...

I like you on FB
Name Ann Babenco
ababe29(at)hotmail dot com

145. ababe28 said...

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Name Ann Babenco
ababe29(at)hotmail dot com

146. ababe28 said...

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ababe29(at)hotmail dot com

147. ababe28 said...

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ababe29(at)hotmail dot com

148. ababe28 said...

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ababee28(at)hotmail dot com


149. ababe28 said...

I like on Facebook, and voted for your photo

ababee28(at)hotmail dot com


150. ababe28 said...

I like on Facebook, and voted for your photo

ababee28(at)hotmail dot com


151. ababe28 said...

I like on Facebook, and voted for your photo

ababee28(at)hotmail dot com


152. ababe28 said...

I like on Facebook, and voted for your photo

ababee28(at)hotmail dot com


153. ababe28 said...


ababe28(at)hotmail dot com

154. Chany said...

I would get the Counting Friends and an iPlay swim diaper!

155. Chany said...

I follow via GFC with user name cgarrett15738500.

156. Chany said...

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cgarrett15738500 at aol dot com

157. Chany said...

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cgarrett15738500 at aol dot com

158. Chany said...

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cgarrett15738500 at aol dot com

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160. Chany said...

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163. Chany said...

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cgarrett15738500 at aol dot com

164. Chany said...

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cgarrett15738500 at aol dot com

165. Chany said...
cgarrett15738500 at aol dot com

166. ababe28 said...


ababe28(at)hotmail dot com

167. Janet W. said...

tweet for 4/6

168. Janet W. said...

2nd tweet for 4/6

169. Chany said...!/chany10/status/55645672048832514

170. Chany said...!/chany10/status/55692860632219648

171. Janet W. said...

tweet for 4/7

172. Janet W. said...

2nd tweet for 4/7

173. Chany said...!/chany10/status/56009686306140160

174. Chany said...!/chany10/status/56052265181655040

175. Tasha said...

tweet #1 04.07!/pdxoregonmom/status/56054001556402177

taylortasha at msn dot com

176. Hannah Jo said...

I would get a couple iplay swim diapers.


177. aperry said...

I would buy Fruit Tote Teether Toys
missanneperry at gmail dot com

178. aperry said...

I Follow The Reynolds Mom on Google Friend Connect aperry
missanneperry at gmail dot com

179. aperry said...

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Anne E. Perry
missanneperry at gmail dot com

180. aperry said...

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Anne E. Perry
missanneperry at gmail dot com

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missanneperry at gmail dot com

182. aperry said...

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184. aperry said...

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missanneperry at gmail dot com

185. aperry said...

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missanneperry at gmail dot com

186. aperry said...

I subscribe via email
missanneperry at gmail dot com

187. Janet W. said...

tweet for 4/8

188. Thomas and Eve said...

I'd try their organic cloth diapers.
ak_newman at hotmail dotcom

189. Thomas and Eve said...

I liked you on facebook!
ak_newman at hotmail dot com

190. Thomas and Eve said...

I like for you bugaboo on facebook.
ak_newman at hotmail dot com

191. Janet W. said...

2nd tweet for 4/8

192. Chany said...!/chany10/status/56358512896385025

193. Chany said...!/chany10/status/56397263844540417

194. aperry said...

missanneperry at

195. Social Worky Family Girl said...

I would buy a sleep sack

SWfamilygirl at gmail dot com

196. Social Worky Family Girl said...


SWfamilygirl at gmail dot com

197. Social Worky Family Girl said...

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SWfamilygirl at gmail dot com

198. Social Worky Family Girl said...

liked buggaboo on fb

SWfamilygirl at gmail dot com

199. Social Worky Family Girl said...

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SWfamilygirl at gmail dot com

200. Social Worky Family Girl said...

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SWfamilygirl at gmail dot com

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