Wednesday, February 9, 2011

(Closed) Little One Books Review/Giveaway Ends 2/23

I've found a gem among online children's book stores to share with you! With a unique approach and ease to finding age appropriate books, music, and videos for young children, Little One Books is in a league of its own. Started by Joan McCoy and Barney Cohen, who saw a need in the area children's media, Little One Books takes the guesswork out of what to buy. Just like myself, they were overwhelmed with the amount of products out there for young children. By focusing on such a specific age range, they are able to ensure that each book they carry is hand-picked and won't be "too young" or "too old" for your child. Here's a tidbit from their website...

We carry only the best in children's books, music, and videos from birth through age five. All our products have been personally chosen and review by our team. With the help of child development professionals, we have matched each product to the youngest appropriate age. We will provide you with excellent customer service, and we are always interested in your feedback. We hope you enjoy shopping with us.

-Joan and Barney
Upon learning I could choose any book from Little One Books to review, I headed straight for one about going to bed. There has always been a recurring issue for Buddy....SLEEP! We've tried so many methods to get him to calm down before bed, fall asleep faster, sleep by himself........the list goes on. It seems this was not meant to be easy with this child! So, any tool that will aid in this daily struggle is welcomed in this house.

First, I easily narrowed down the books by age group. After choosing the 2 year-old range, I browsed through. Then, Song of Night: It's Time to Go to Bed came up! I was sold! I already knew that this book would be age appropriate for my son. Little One Books already did the research for me and put it in a category specific to my son's age group! How awesome is that?

Song of Night: It's Time to Go to Bed  was written by Katherine Riley Nakamura, and illustrated by Linnea Riley. I am super impressed with how spot on Little One Books is with this book's age group. Short, simple sentences. Easy to understand, and perfect for a 2 year-old! Each page is beautifully illustrated with a different type of animal and scene. The theme of going to bed was reiterated on each page. The little bunny needs to get ready for bedtime just like the duckling, mouse, dog, cat, skunk, bear, and squirrel. The book goes through taking a bath, brushing teeth, singing, reading, a back rub and humming as the animals get ready for bed. It's so cute!

With a little rhyming of words along the way, Buddy was mesmorized and kept asking "What's this!?" as every page turned. I'm hoping soon that he'll start to say "Me too!," and go to bed just as easy as those animals in the book!

The Verdict! Overall, I am very impressed with this high-quality book and would definitely recommend it to every parent. As for Little One Books, I love their dedication to finding the best products for children. They have an amazing selection of wonderful products you should check out for yourself!

*Promotion Alert!*
I have a fantastic deal to share with you!
Buy ANY TWO items from Little One books and get the Good Night CD FREE! Just use the promotional code goodnight at checkout!

Buy it!
You can purchase Song of Night: It's Time to Go to Bed for 16.95!!

 Win it! 
 Little One Books has generously offered to send one The Reynolds Mom reader a $15 Gift Certificate to Little One Books!
-Leave 1 comment per entry

-Include your email address in each entry

-For complete giveaway rules and help entering, please click

To Enter:

Mandatory entry: (must be done first)

-"Like" Little One Books on Facebook AND go to Little One Books and tell me what you would like to buy. Leave one comment letting me know you've done both (1 entry)

Extra entries:

-Follow The Reynolds Mom on Google Friend Connect (1 entry)

-"Like" me on Facebook (2 entries)

-Follow me on Twitter (1 entry)

-Follow Little One Books on Twitter (1 entry)

-Tell me a product you would like me to review and/or giveaway on my blog. I'll see what I can do! (1 entry)

-Tweet the following once each day. Please leave the URL of the tweet in your comment each day.  
#Win a #free $15 Gift Certificate to @LittleOneBooks from @TheReynoldsMom Ends 2/23 #giveaway (1 entry/tweet)

-Subscribe to my blog by email (2 entries) or RSS feed (1 entry)

-Post my button or post about this giveaway on your blog using at least 4 sentences. Please leave a link to your post (3 entries each)

Thanks for entering and good luck!

Open to US residents only. This giveaway will end on February 23, 2011 at 10pm PST. Winner will be chosen by, emailed, and announced on my blog shortly after giveaway ends. The winner has 48 hours to respond to my email or I reserve the right to declare a new winner.

Disclosure: I received the product mentioned above to facilitate this review and giveaway. This is my completely honest opinion above and may be different from yours. 


1. Blogger Broadcast said...

You're not kidding, you do have a lot of fantastic giveaways on your blog.
Following you back.

2. Unknown said...

New follower

3. Ali Holt said...

HI! i am your newest follower! Hope you will stop by and follow me back! :)


4. Show Me Mama said...

"Like" Little One Books on Facebook and would love The Complete Adventures of Curious George
showmemama at ymail dot com

5. Show Me Mama said...

Follow The Reynolds Mom on Google Friend Connect
showmemama at ymail dot com

6. Show Me Mama said...

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showmemama at ymail dot com

7. Show Me Mama said...

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8. Show Me Mama said...

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9. Show Me Mama said...

Follow Little One Books on Twitter
showmemama at ymail dot com

10. Sonja said...

Now following you! Will you follow back?

11. BK said...

Just stopping in to say hi. New follower. Sometimes I miss my kids being little :). Hope you have a very Happy Friday.


12. Just Wedeminute said...

I would buy the book I love you like crazycakes...both my children are adopted and this is a great book for the internationally adopted child.

13. Just Wedeminute said...

Thanks for following me, I'm following you back!

14. Kris said...

like LOB FB
jump frog jump
KDSyrjala at gmail dot com

15. Kris said...

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KDSyrjala at gmail dot com

16. Kris said...

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KDSyrjala at gmail dot com

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KDSyrjala at gmail dot com

18. Kris said...

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KDSyrjala at gmail dot com

19. Kris said...

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KDSyrjala at gmail dot com

20. emmy's closet said...

I like them on FB! It's so hard to pick, I LOVE books and so do my kids! I think I would go with some "first words" books for my daughter!

21. emmy's closet said...

I follow your blog!
emmyscloset at gmail dot com

22. emmy's closet said...

I like you on FB!

23. emmy's closet said...

I follow you on twitter!
emmyscloset at gmail dot com

24. emmy's closet said...

I follow them on twitter!
emmyscloset at gmail dot com

25. emmy's closet said...

I would love for you to review frecklebox!

26. emmy's closet said...

emmyscloset at gmail dot com

27. emmy's closet said...

I subscribe via email!

28. emmy's closet said...

email #2

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31. DontSayHurry said...

I like them and Clip Clop! cus Eli loves horses!
vetsmom_rgv at yahoo dot com

32. DontSayHurry said...

I follow you (thanks for following the mommy blog!)
vetsmom_rgv at yahoo dot com

33. DontSayHurry said...

I like u on facebook
vetsmom_rgv at yahoo dot com

34. DontSayHurry said...

following u on twitter
vetsmom_rgv at yahoo dot com

35. DontSayHurry said...

following little books on twitter
vetsmom_rgv at yahoo dot com

36. Jennica and Preston said...

I like Little One Books on Facebook! I would buy a couple books for my daughters! They love books and there's so many cute ones to choose from!

37. Jennica and Preston said...

I'm a follower on GFC!

38. Jennica and Preston said...

I like you on FB! #1

39. Jennica and Preston said...

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40. Jennica and Preston said...

I follow you on Twitter! (Jenka1986)

41. Jennica and Preston said...

I follow Little One Books on Twitter! (Jenka1986)

42. Baby Mama said...

I like them on fb sarah hinhart
and I would get a Llama Llama book

43. Baby Mama said...

GFC sarah_roxy_21

44. Baby Mama said...

I like you on fb
sarah hinhart

45. Baby Mama said...

fb liker sarah hinhart

46. yysmom said...

like on fb
my kids would love Complete Adventures of Curious George

47. yysmom said...

like you on fb 1

48. yysmom said...

like on fb 2

49. yysmom said...

follow blog

50. Unknown said...

They have some great titles. You can tell that they were carefully chosen to be fun and educational, NOT just a bunch of books that look like they could make a little money from.

I would have a very hard (yet fun!) time choosing how to spend the GC. "Sheep in a Jeep" is one book I'd like. "The Little Engine That Could" is another. So many to choose from...
ohmiss14 at yahoo dot com

51. Unknown said...

I'm a new GFC follower
ohmiss14 at yahoo dot com

52. Unknown said...

I follow Little One Books on Twitter - amccrenshaw
ohmiss14 at yahoo dot com

53. Unknown said...

I follow you on Twitter - amccrenshw
ohmiss14 at yahoo dot com

54. susan said...

I "Like" Little One Books on Facebook and I'd love to get the book The Story of Ferdinand.

55. susan said...

I follow you on Twitter.

56. susan said...

I follow Little One Books on Twitter.

57. susan said...

Tweeted ~!/susanlanai/status/39083321593958400

58. susan said...

I'd love to see a baby carrier review. I'm always on the look out for a good one!

59. Kristie said...

I like them on facebook.

I think I'd get Danny and the Dinosaur if I were to win.

khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com

60. Unknown said...

LIke them on fb and I would buy Birds it was under the 2 year old books.

61. Unknown said...

like you on fb #1

62. Unknown said...

LIke you on fb #2

63. Unknown said...

Follow you on twitter (aawhitehead)

64. Unknown said...

follow little one books on twitter (aawhitehead)

65. Unknown said...

I would like you to review a potty chair since I will soon be looking for one -=)

66. Unknown said...!/aawhitehead/status/39174835192086528

tweeted giveaway

67. Unknown said...

I follow with GFC.

68. Kimberly said...

Like you on facebook; I'd choose "My Monster Mommy Loves Me So" by Laura Leuck
kcoud33 at gmail dot com

69. Kimberly said...

Follow you on GFC (Kimberly)
kcoud33 at gmail dot com

70. Kimberly said...

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kcoud33 at gmail dot com

71. Kimberly said...

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kcoud33 at gmail dot com

72. Kimberly said...

I'd love a review of Moon Dough. Not a fan of Moon Sand, but I'm curious about the dough!
kcoud33 at gmail dot com

73. Kimberly said...

kcoud33 at gmail dot com

74. Kimberly said...

Email subscriber 2
kcoud33 at gmail dot com

75. Kimberly said...

Subscribe to RSS on Google Reader
kcoud33 at gmail dot com

76. Kimberly said...

Follow And Then There Were 4 on GFC (Kimberly) 1
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77. Kimberly said...

Follow And Then There Were 4 on GFC (Kimberly) 2
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78. Kimberly said...

Follow And Then There Were 4 on Twitter (@kcoud33) 1
kcoud33 at gmail dot com

79. Kimberly said...

Follow And Then There Were 4 on Twitter (@kcoud33) 2
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80. Kimberly said...

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kcoud33 at gmail dot com

81. Kimberly said...

Like And Then There Were 4 on Facebook 2
kcoud33 at gmail dot com

82. Davney said...

My boys would love this:

I like them on FB. (Davney Dell Nowak)

83. Davney said...

I follow via GFC.

84. Davney said...

I like you on FB. (Davney Dell Nowak)

85. Davney said...

I follow you on Twitter @seedavneytweet

86. Davney said...

I follow them on Twitter @seedavneytweet

87. Davney said...

I subscribed via RSS.

88. Davney said...

I love cloth diaper giveaways!

89. Davney said...


90. Jennica and Preston said...
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91. Jennica and Preston said...
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92. Jennica and Preston said...
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93. Jennica and Preston said...
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94. Jennica and Preston said...
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95. Jennica and Preston said...
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96. Diana said...

I follow on GFC and would like the book Bear Feels Sick

97. Diana said...

I follow on GFC

98. Diana said...

I like Little one Books on FB

99. Gladys Parker said...

Probabley "Miss Bintergarden Goes To Kintergarden." Like Little One Books on fb

gladys p
sueparks2003 at gmail dot com

100. Gladys Parker said...

sueparks2003 Gladys Parker
@TheReynoldsMom #Win a #free $15 Gift Certificate to @LittleOneBooks from @TheReynoldsMom Ends 2/23 #giveaway
1 minute ago Favorite Reply Delete
gladys p
sueparks2003 at gmail dot com

101. Gladys Parker said...

Subscribe via GFC
sueparks2003 at gmail dot com

102. Gladys Parker said...

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gladys p
sueparks2003 at gmail dot com

103. Gladys Parker said...

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gladys p
sueparks2003 at gmail dot com

104. Gladys Parker said...

subscribe via email
sueparks2003 at gmail dot com

105. Gladys Parker said...

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sueparks2003 at gmail dot com

106. Gladys Parker said...

Follow Little One Books on twitter
sueparks2003 at gmail dot com

107. Gladys Parker said...

I think household items and or children's items like toys. It's fun to win something you can't afford. I came here because I need postcards and seen it on twitter but I forgot to check the time - it was over!
sueparks2003 at gmail dot com

108. Anonymous said...

I liked little one books on fb

109. Anonymous said...

I would probably buy Of Thee I Sing by Barack Obama he is a part of our history and would be a good keepsake for the kids.

110. Anonymous said...

I followed GFC

111. Anonymous said...

I liked the Reynolds mom on fb

112. Anonymous said...

I liked Reynolds mom on fb #2

113. Anonymous said...

I followed Reynolds mom on twitter @dafultz

114. Anonymous said...

I followed little one books on twitter @dafultz

115. Anonymous said...

I would like to see more housewares giveaways I could always use kitchen appliances and cups, bowls, silverware etc.. that stuff is always great

116. Anonymous said...

I tweeted the giveaway @dafultz

117. Anonymous said...

I subscribed via email

118. Anonymous said...

I subscribed via email #2

119. Anonymous said...

I put your button on my blog

My blog is very new and i am still trying to figure it out so if you could follow me GFC and leave me any suggestions that would be great.

120. Mandy said...

i like little ones on facebook-I would get My Big Sister

121. Mandy said...

I like you on facebook #1

122. Mandy said...

i like you on facebook #2

123. Mandy said...

I follow you on twitter

124. Mandy said...

I follow little one books on twitter

125. Mandy said...

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126. Diana said...

Would like to try the turkey in the straw cd
I follow on FB

127. Diana said...

I follow on GFc

128. Diana said...

I like you on FB (1)

129. Diana said...

I like you on Fb (2)

130. DB said...

follow them on facebook and i would like to get the Alphabet City.
daivase at yahoo dot com

131. Jennifer Herrington said...

I like Little One Books on facebook. I like the book I'm a Big Brother.

132. Jennifer Herrington said...

I follow on GFC

133. Jennifer Herrington said...

I like you on facebook.

134. Jennifer Herrington said...

I like you on facebook.

135. Jennifer Herrington said...

I follow little one books on twitter @jenh84

136. Jennifer Herrington said...

Would love for you to review the Radio Flyer Ultimate Comfort Wagon!

137. Jennifer Herrington said...

138. Jennifer Herrington said...

Email subscriber

139. Jennifer Herrington said...

Email subscriber

140. Janet W. said...

I am a fan of Little One Books on FB. I love the Yummy Yucky book for my grandson to have!

141. Janet W. said...

I follow this blog on GFC.

142. Janet W. said...

I'm a fan of your blog on FB

entry 1

143. Janet W. said...

I'm a fan of your blog on FB

entry 2

144. Janet W. said...

I follow this blog on Twitter

145. Janet W. said...

I follow little one books on Twitter

146. Janet W. said...

I would love for you to review thick toddler bath towels. I'm trying to find nice ones for my grandsons!

147. Janet W. said...

tweet about this giveaway

148. Janet W. said...

I subscribe by email.

entry 1

149. Janet W. said...

I subscribe by email.

entry 2

150. Diana said...

I Like Little One Book on FB and would love the Hungry Caterpillar book

151. Diana said...

I like you on FB (2)

152. Diana said...

I follow Little One Books on Twitter

153. Diana said...

I follow you on twitter

154. Baby Mama said...

Liked them on fb
sarah hinhart
I would get llama llama red pajama

155. Baby Mama said...

GFC sarah_roxy_21

156. Baby Mama said...

like on fb
sarah hinhart

157. Baby Mama said...

Like on fb 2

158. Emily - faliLV said...

I like LOB on FB and would pick the Birds book - my son loves them!

159. Emily - faliLV said...

I follow via GFC

160. Emily - faliLV said...

I follow on FB (Emily faliLV) #1

161. Emily - faliLV said...

I follow on FB (Emily faliLV) #2

162. Emily - faliLV said...

I follow LOB on twitter

163. Emily - faliLV said...

I follow you on twitter @FamilyNLifeLV

164. Emily - faliLV said...


165. lewalk said...

I love Pick Your Adventure books and they have some good ones like 'Always Picked Last.' Love them.


166. lewalk said...

Well drat, I clicked enter before I was done with that entry. Lol. Sorry about that. Itchy trigger finger I suppose.

I also like Little One Books on FB.
Leah W.

And follow you on GFC.



167. lewalk said...

Like you on FB.

Leah W.


168. lewalk said...

Follow Little One Books on twitter too.


169. lewalk said...

Email 2.


170. lewalk said...

I would definitely love to win some 'stuff for mommy.' It seems I am always entering to win things for my family, friends, and even dogs but very seldom to I take the time to enter to win things for myself, or actually to even buy things for myself either. I'm sure I'm not the only mom that way either. Maybe some type of clothes or shoes for mommy to win? I'm not good under pressure. I'll think of tons of stuff after I'm done here. Lol. Thanks for this chance to offer our opinion though. Hopefully other moms aren't bad on questions like this like I am.


171. lewalk said...



172. Beckeesdeals said...

FB fan of Little One Books & would like to get Guess How Much I love You
beckeesdeals at gmail dot com

173. Beckeesdeals said...

Like you on FB 2
beckeesdeals at gmail dot com

174. Beckeesdeals said...

Follow LOB on Twitter @beckee13
beckeesdeals at gmail dot com

175. Beckeesdeals said...

I would love for you to giveaway a 31 Gifts bag!
beckeesdeals at gmail dot com

176. Beckeesdeals said...

New email subscriber 1
beckeesdeals at gmail dot com

177. Beckeesdeals said...

new email subscriber 2
beckeesdeals at gmail dot com

178. disneyfanheather said...

I "like" Little One Books on Facebook, and I'd probably get The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister!
hsemonick at gmail dot com

179. disneyfanheather said...

Following via GFC!
hsemonick at gmail dot com

180. disneyfanheather said...

I like you on Facebook! (Heather S.) #1
hsemonick at gmail dot com

181. disneyfanheather said...

I like you on Facebook! (Heather S.) #2
hsemonick at gmail dot com

182. disneyfanheather said...

Following you on Twitter! (_HeatherAnne_)
hsemonick at gmail dot com

183. disneyfanheather said...

Following Little One Books on Twitter! (_HeatherAnne_)
hsemonick at gmail dot com

184. disneyfanheather said...

Email subscriber! #1
hsemonick at gmail dot com

185. disneyfanheather said...

Email subscriber! #2
hsemonick at gmail dot com

186. disneyfanheather said...

I tweeted!

187. disneyfanheather said...

I'd love to see you do a review/giveaway on BabyLegs!
hsemonick at gmail dot com