Friday, December 11, 2015

Best Buy Revamps Santa Rosa Store Just in Time for Holiday Shopping Season #BestBuySanFran

This is a sponsored post brought to you by Best Buy. All opinions are 100% my own.

On our visit to see family for Thanksgiving, we stopped by the newly revamped Best Buy store in Santa Rosa, California. Best Buy remodeled all 21 San Francisco area stores over the summer, spending $10 million dollars on enhancements, just in time for the busy holiday season. Keeping up with the latest and great in technology, new shopping features now provide customers with more choice in appliances, a best-in-class home theater shopping experience and new shopping areas from top brands.
The Santa Rosa store now features one of eight San Francisco Pacific Kitchen & Home stores, where customers can get premium brands like Wolf, Viking, Miele and Bosch. For customers looking for a truly custom kitchen, shoppers can work with a Pacific Sales representative to design an entire space that fits their needs. I've gotta say that I was absolutely drooling over the gorgeous kitchens displayed in this new department.

The store's appliances department has expanded to include a larger variety of both large and small appliances. The open format of this area made it easy to browse and compare the much broader selection of appliances.

The home theater sections have been remodeled to highlight new TV technology like 4K and UHD displays.The picture quality on these beautiful televisions are amazing. Just when you think the best is already available, something even better is released!

Along with many great new features, the newly renovated Santa Rosa store has been refreshed with new fixtures and finishes, including new paint and lighting and updated carpeting and bathrooms to make for a better customer shopping experience. These improvements were definitely noticed and appreciated during our visit. 

Since 1995, Best Buy has invested nearly $300 million within our communities. They focus their giving on programs that leverage technology to inspire and engage teens and help them prepare for college and careers. In the San Francisco Bay area, Best Buy has partnered with many organizations that help to bridge the gap in digital literacy and help teens develop 21st century skills to prepare for the future. Two thumbs up to Best Buy for their continued commitment to local communities and helping youth thrive. 

Next time you're in the area, visit the newly revitalized Santa Rosa Best Buy location at 1950 Santa Rosa Ave, Santa Rosa, CA 95407 in the Santa Rosa Marketplace. 

Not near Santa Rosa? Use the store locator to find a Best Buy store near you, or shop online at


1. MikiHope said...

There is a Best Buy near me--actually 2 of them! Neither of them has what that Santa Rosa branch has. I would love to visit that store but I am in New York and it is in California.

2. CJ said...

The revamp looks awesome! We go to the one in our community all the time. Great prices!

3. Liz Mays said...

I like the way the kitchen is set up. That gives it such a luxe feeling.